If you update to 1.9 most likely all of the people who enjoy pvp won't play anymore, considering most of your game modes involve pvp.
Is this a Trait or a Question you added to the template?
No Support Reasons said above. Good Luck! :) ~Pool
No Support. -Add Detail -Make it Brighter -Use Template Format -Never seen you in game before
Nuetral Reasons stated above. Good luck! ~Pool
Happy Birthday!
No support. -Add more information -Get known Best of luck! ~Pool
No support Best of luck! ~Pool
What do you mean by "being too silly"? No Support Reasons stated above. Best of luck ~Pool
Grats!!! Bae! ~Pool :D
Support Goodluck! ~Pool
Thank you all of you for the feedback, I will try to get more active on forums, as most of you are requesting this. :)
Thank you all for the feedback! :D <3
My ign: PoolSideBanana Person being reported: tj257 Reason: Hacking. Evidence: [MEDIA]
Support Dont forget reindeer squad canucks ;) ~Pool
Thank you for the advice! I will work on this :)
Thank you for the feedback! :)