I have the same sometimes to
I got reseted to but lucky i got alts i hope they dint get reseted there banned :(
Welcome back :)
I changed the template and I putted the video on public
So when i came on 1 month ago all my stuff was reseted. I was mad but okay i did kit op kit vip and when off. The next day i got reseted again i...
how to i turn it off?
I already reported him on forums but I wanted to show this to the community so they can judge. He was pretty sketchy he took 0 kb so i recorded...
Your ingame name: Osenator The offender's exact ingame name: Pocidel A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Autoclicker/kb...
ty for reply
1.ToggleStafe 2.ReaperPvPz 3.Foils 4.BLAZExSTORM 5.erikwillson46
Hey so I made this thread because I know that this server has quite good pvpers in their community that may can help me So I the have the razer...