No problem
You can see what i typed with white letters in the reply :)
No support Support
Neutral you are very helpful and mature but i never see you in-game
I think we just need to wait untill the bug is patched.
Enderpearl glitch or Phase hacks :smilingimp:
Thats really nice keep on doing this and you should apply for mod
What would you give on oppvp
ARABIC!!!!!! and a little bit english
OpPvP kitPvP and Infection
You and Dino where the best mods together :weary:
maybe i blowed you away with my mad strafes you kid i was hacking in the past and got banned for that but ive learned my lesson. i cant help it...
Some guy on mineverse recorded a video with the same pack but I couldnt find the video so Iused this video. [MEDIA]
I lagged out too and i had 4 bars and I dint lag at all
I just lag out randomly but like @Jubba said. Mineverse has a new host maybe its laggy because the new host.
well not in my case i get 100-130
nope hes right i get 100/120 ms and i have 4 bars if you have 5 bars 9 of the 10 times you have 90 or lower
As you know you get banned for 1 month if you hack on mineverse. I think we should add a temp-ip ban cause I have some prime examples of rankers...
IGN: ZombieSkrillex Age:Turned 20 on 7 may Donor Rank(if any): VIP Skills(1-10): Cant judge my self Why do you want to join Toglers? Because its a...