mineverse is invested with cheaters lool. I just died 3 min ago by DaViper101 using huzuni kill aura lol. mineverse is broken and I if we keep...
your cheating to random
are u Arabic
I'm laggy to lol but dyana_mighty says its bs cause shes us
if someone is hating on you you type the funniest things and I cant stop laughing. that's a compliment.
agree and disagree some staffs don't know what hacks are and we don't get ssed so its pretty much impossible to get banned while using a good...
what do you mean with cropped
I do agree but its their own choice if they leak their personal info on the internet.
Your InGameName : ZombieSkrillex Offenders username : SQuape_8888 What rule did they broke : Ban evading on their alt. Eviedence :...
Support And hoi hoe gat het met jou? my best dutch xD
Well its pretty obvious that if someone is faking to hack and if someone is using real kill au ra. Thanks for your reply anyway :)
So basicly zDraqo got banned by Methylone for nothing. Some staffs should really type in on youtube : Tenebrous using autoclicker as an example to...
Lol I fighted you 1 time and then you gap hitted me when your name was still megga cookie
i still cant join mineverse dude help!
why tf would u disagree
you ing don't understand ip banning them from 1 gamemode thats what i mean
He does hack lool its obvious hes ez but still he hacks. Dont say that because we all know you hack
I wanted to join mineverse yesterday and today and it just says "Connecting to the server". And if I can join i get 5 bars for 3 sec and then it...
I was 16 i started playing mineverse begin 2015