<3 check skype its important
im a lesbian!
probably she aight a dumbo
lol? @Herf out here almost 900 reports okie okdokie [ATTACH]
re-nosupport ;)
espin spitting fire holy tomatos
you know me but you dont actually know who i am or you do but you're keeping it low key ya know?
whats good homie
you look like a fluffing doll broski lmao fake
holy shirmp its burning in here jesus take the wheel this cars on fire
dont joke about suicide dood im suicidal 26/10
not trying to pick her up ex de
@Flazer "sorry" "sorry" "sorry" "sorry"...
ok cool so what is this supposed to prove and why did everyone have to know this
so much make up lmao
when you're a 11 year old on a minecraft server ex de ;)
lmao white boi working chik fil a ahhaa haha starbucks ex de
people say sorry too much in general honestly sorry has no value anymore, it doesnt mean anything.
good point ye support
how bout no