What is power level???
Hopefully i get unbanned im sponsor so sad right now talking to the person who banned me.
Wow i got banned global.
I want 1
thanks UncleUrnesto real nice lol
Trlololololololololololoolololololollolololololool i want one so bad
support to the fullest.
I applied for moderator finally.
How old are you? I am eleven years old. Your in-game name: My in game name is CherokeeSmiles. What timezone are you in? Pacific daylight time...
I have the most items in inbox of all time!
Yes as you can tell i think i shattered all records of items in the inbox. [ATTACH]
1.my IGN name is cherokeesmiles 2.koningjordie is the offender IGN 3.They scammed me on op prison for 300 billion dollars 4.No proof,go to /p h...
possibly selling 3 string on op prison for money on kit pvp POSSIBLY look at me selling everything i own thread
Uncle urnesto you have swag
lawl sodochop
Cause Mr_b3n sold 2 wither skulls for 2 mill.
Actually there is a nether now and blaze spawners are going down in price.
Eh just do this instead just think that every one who goes to those has no LIFE.