3 dislikes for no reason lol.
This. Leafu4Mod.
Was* Being* Mean* This* Saying* Was* Going* Expose* Didn't* Know* Gender* Kept* Too* Demote*
Also change this; "gonna" changes to "going it" umm wtf... at least make it "going to"
Assist Saturday Sexualilty Analysis basically all this will be filtered, and many many more. (Admittedly this used to be worse, you couldn't say...
everam daddyfallen hacking [MEDIA] I think he may also be bypassing ban for the account littlefallen:...
everam kyleleeminecraft hacking [MEDIA]
Remove /heal, add health 1 splash pots, it actually requires skill to pvp then, rather than the luck of getting first hit.
everam BigCockMansion Inappropriate name https://gyazo.com/df1beb395abac40419ad32482eeaa985
everam craftyalex bypassing ban https://gyazo.com/7175a56aa52c8a74c2031059fc43fb35 The banned account is CraftyAlex01, I think this one is kinda...
everam stimpaayy bypassing ban https://gyazo.com/29f3e109d82ea3d4fe10625d3b5f1d30 He admits to being banned by me, i banned him on FG0. Ip check...
everam littlefallen reduced kb [MEDIA]
IGN - Everam Rank - VIP Age - 19 Balance - 1 dollar PvP skill 1/10 - 10 (1v1 me if you like) Are you stupid? - I may lack some fundamental common...
IGN Everam Age 11 Donor Rank VIP Skill 1 Why do you want to join Togglers? Cuz I can
Making mineverse more pay 2 win every update :D
Btw before applying for this clan you should know the co-owner tried to ddos and dox me within a week of me joining the clan.
I have a feeling people are exaggerating their pvp skill... 9 out of 10 is basically foils/reaperpvp level, 10 is blaze, chichay, everam.
everam FG0 hacking [MEDIA] When he gets banned I believe he will bypass ban on Stimpayyy
"Themes like depression" wtf...