I won't be online for a while, maybe a day, maybe a week, this is why; I had an error when trying to start up minecraft, it removed my shortcut...
Are you offended? It doesn't seem that way, find me 3 people who are offended by gay being censored and I'll change my opinion on this topic.
Thought you were saying " I perm banned him and pile" I was like wtf did pile do??
Reasons, I don't want to explain here as it may offend people.
The only word I'd like removed is wtf, it is widely used and not really considered a swear.
Only in 2016 do people complain about something so insignificant, this isn't offending anyone, it has and will continue to be used as an insult,...
everam Charlie361 irbx hacking and trapping [MEDIA] I think irbx should also be banned for teleporting a hacker into a room to kill someone.
Bhop is unkillable anyway, this should not affect your opinion on the matter. And I doubt bhopping hackers would stay on the server long enough to...
It's called OP pvp, and people are saying this will make it op... This is what we need, the only thing "OP" about op pvp is the amount of gapples...
everam alexplaysmc_ bypassing ban https://gyazo.com/aadd8d79c43b0bea146d34248ac5116a her banned account is craftyalex01 Ip check it please, i'm...
everam Choooooooww death threats https://gyazo.com/a35afc67f69b61a1e8c7042a231952b7
everam CuTiic hacking [MEDIA]
everam HYDRAxSTORM reduced knockback [MEDIA] The first hit, he takes hardly any kb, then he turns it off and takes a normal amount. There were...
Honestly idc if you're immature because you're active. You will ban the hackers and that's all I care about.
All these hack: BLAZExSTORM, Foils, Everam, Fxded, ChiChay, ReaperPvPz, Fermer, CypriotMerks.
You have yet to prove it, last time we fought I comboed you easily.
everam derpinqflame toggling triggerbot and reduced kb [MEDIA] He is also below average skill when legit;...
He said don't post it, so I had to. [MEDIA]
everam BjKiller hacking toggling anti kb and killaura [MEDIA]