You're also bypassing ban on multiple servers right now.
Already been done, stop copying people.
everam BigCockMansion Inappropriate name He has been banned for this before and refuses to...
everam iEatLunchAlone hacking (reduced kb, crits) [MEDIA]
everam ItZ_Sander_ hacking [MEDIA]
everam KurvaKarvaKorva hacking [MEDIA]
evera SkillBill023 hacking [MEDIA]
You tried to ban me, KarmaDropz, Mike_Kowalski, zTold, SmackHer, Stimpaayy and Bexrs. You clearly don't know what hacks are.
Once again, acting like you're in the better position. You are better than me at arguing over a subject that doesn't matter, that isn't a good thing.
In 8 months you've managed to get 1000 messages, most people get half that in that time. Also recommend you stop acting like you're better than...
You're not giving feedback, you're typing "support". This is what the ratings are for, everyone knows you post farm more than anyone on mineverse...
All these post farmers, just click support if you're not going to give any reasons as to why you support.
Post farmer
The mincraft folder has been gone for quite some time :P And I'd rather not start this, one more dislike and I could get a ban.
I hadn't downloaded anything today, it happened seemingly without reason.
embarrass* :P
If you are just gonna guess at a fix, don't bother. I've tried most things, I need a way to definitely fix it.
I'm the only one on the PC, I have admin permission and I've set windows to open such files with asking for permission.