everam iiSocial hacking [MEDIA]
You do not have OCD
I came.
Might actually be useful if there was more than 5 staff members online at any one time.
everam JewyLink bypassing ban https://gyazo.com/c623fabeae8bafad716a994d0bf9e06d His main is FightAndFlight, ip check.
Probs gonna get removed by pile within a few minutes because she abuses. https://imgur.com/a/kBokU I disliked her post, she then removed my...
everam AmericanPost hacking [MEDIA]
Have you met him? He tried to false ban half the server, he deserves this.
This could be useful for seeing a players history in punishments.
Kennaroo2 thinks I hack, well okay then. [MEDIA]
everam HitsLikeYasuke hacking [MEDIA]
everam LordSchwein hacking/racism https://gyazo.com/8051554ff8db59b75cbe52477fd0c265 The font can only be achieved on a hacked client.
everam Yansa10 hacking [MEDIA]
Oh god... I think I'm obsessed... No one else has over 2000 cp. I have a 2300 cp charizard
He's using a date system that actually makes sense, don't hate for it.
You're bypassing ban right now. You should be forum banned just for that.
This will never happen, and is not up for debate, cypriot has stated in the past the Op PvP will not be reset any time soon.
everam FightAndFlight hacking [MEDIA] He has hacked on mineverse before:...
I'd like to request that this player be banned, he is currently bypassing ban on IANLOL, his main is albiejoe04. @Pile @Nanurz @Dyna_Mighty