Many people still think he is legit, he has perfect aim and incredible reach, both of these can be passed as legit. But this can not. [MEDIA]...
Everam CIASnipez Hacking [MEDIA]
Someone perm ban this kid, website and ingame, he is too hateful for this server.
I use ethernet with 40 mb download, 10 mb upload.
Never :P I graduated 2 years ago.
They all got unbanned within a week because they were all false bans.
Ikr, got no chocolate or energy drink.
Ohhh nooooo you got banned :)
2604 cp charizard #TeamInstinct
everam Fruit1k death threats
Because I stayed up to 2 am and if I went to sleep then I wouldn't wake up until like 12.
It is currently 4 am, give me suggestions on how to stay awake. (Took me about 5 minutes to type this correctly)
First thing you ever did to me on this server was report me for hacking, I don't expect you to like me.
No support, I am online on op pvp nearly 10 hours a day and I've only seen you a handful of times. I feel like you wouldn't be active enough as mod.
This may just be me, but I've been getting 300+ ping recently, usually I have 170 ping. I've also seen more frequent lag spikes and freezes, in...
The other thread was a clear joke, this is serious.
I love your name.
No support, this will make hacks seem more acceptable, they are not to be used at all.