Holy crap I thought Nobody would ever make a thread about this because Im too lazy to. SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASEEEE
Its not Broken and its important to some
Kenpi notice me!!! lol
Yay Support!!!!
Support.... now I want a hug. ;)
Neutral... Can I have a hug?
I can dream can't I? :cool: lol
first off please do not double post. No Support. Still spelling errors after multiple people told you to change it. You are sometimes really...
I know. But they see.
No Support. Reasons stated. :)
How are you sure its because of /near? No support, It could have just been a hacker if it wasn't claimed, or maybe it was found on accident, you...
Its not really a suggestion though. Its more like a question
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew !!!!!!! Whats going on with the flats in Bedwars? Is it gonna get fixed soon? If not At east put like a boarder so people...
SUPPORT i have talked about this before
te nada Did I get it this time lol xD
Oh hell yeah you were. You were AWSOME the best of the best
Clxrity, u better re-apply for mod -.- you were one of the best mods so
NO problems
ikr, but for real support, well done app