Hello! We are a group of five, living at a place we've established on Skygrid. Of course, we tried to protect it as well with a sponge at the...
Hello! I just noticed in Survival's /warp shop that some items does not have a sell sign nor buy sign. Now, I do understand if some blocks...
ImTubeless lego_boy2013 and fishy6y Pretty sure you can't walk/run while in water. Correct me if I'm wrong. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Course 12 in Parkour is broken, it's missing a ladder. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] It's impossible to make now. @xxxvan and @Musezeta if you two could...
ImTubeless TheOnionWarior Look at the screenshot [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1. ImTubeless 2. KryptoGod, Ishak2007 3. Advertised [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1. ImTubeless 2. AshFenton 3. Read the title [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Nvm, it was some lag that suddenly caused it.
ImTubeless and Jozocircle ryan2624 Well, he started off by calling me a "no lifer" which I'm used to now and then he decided to try and get me to...
ImTubeless littlepimpin2123 Bypassing pwnfilter. [ATTACH]
ImTubeless harrisonk Advertising [ATTACH]
ImTubeless mickenordin Advertising [ATTACH]
ImTubeless 00_david Advertising [ATTACH]
ImTubeless fillecool98 Advertising in the lobby. [ATTACH]
ImTubeless dildboy Advertised. [ATTACH]
ImTubeless Oddivar13 Cursing [ATTACH]
ImTubeless FuShIoNxMC Blackmailing a player with a report made on that player. [ATTACH]
ImTubeless gotmilk85 Using the N word even after asked to stop. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
ImTubeless Oddivar13 He kept auctioning his pickaxes and cancelled the auction, time after time, 8 times. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Hey! If you lost money / a rank on OPPrison, then make follow this template. IGN: What rank/how much money you lost: Evidence: Thanks guys.