That right there is biased.
Oh and by the way @olcsika01 you mentioned a competition between me and ponyknight as mods well, There is a definent need for more than one...
@Ponyknight99 I have made up my mind. Here it is. Support. 1.) We made up and I have found you are mature. 2.) Be a little more active if you can....
Since when am I abusing?
That would be biased and immature @MR_B3N_123 , why would he do that?
People having active member before they apply is nice but it is not required, And pony knight did not have active member. This does not mean he...
Any reasons why you support or don't support? You didn't really make this clear.
Thank you _u2ez_, Like I said @MR_B3N_123 , I have made progress on my maturity and attitude. I am still working on being the best I can. Anyways,...
Any reason why? Or anything I can improve on?
Hello, and welcome to the forums.
Welcome :D
*Daily Bump*
Oh yeah, @TheOnionWarrior I am your fanboy O_e
Thank you.