Do you realize everyone I accuse of hacks I record? I have also been trying to be more active on the forums. I do not find myself too immature,...
Another one down for the count Agent when do they ever end? :O
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: EGYPTIANkiller Message: Kill aura and other hacks etc. Proof: [MEDIA]
@canucksfan44 @AgentWifi
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: EddyCottonSocks Message: EddyCottonSocks came back to hack again, he has anti-knockback...
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: boxerblue Message: NoSlowDown and Kill aura are visible in this video. Proof: [MEDIA]
@AgentWifi I uploaded proof in a txt file.
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: xxpuaraxx Message: This player spammed me tpas for about 5 minutes. Proof:
Here it is it shows critical hits and my power after I died it shows Toheed critical me
Kind of hard to see but I will made a file of my chat log
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: Toheedprff786 Message: I was told to tpa to kill "2 people" Djdragonfire and another...
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: FireWarrior01 Message: This player has anti Knockback Proof: [MEDIA]
In-Game Name: derekneugebauer Reported Player In-Game Name: derp_ady Proof: [ATTACH]
@canucksfan44 @xSoulHero @AgentWifi
Offended Player In-Game Name: derekneugebauer Offending Player In-Game Name: playgreat Message: This player was relentless trying to get me to...
Don't feel bad, same thing happened to me. Maybe we will do better next time.