Any reason as to why you do not support?
Will work on changing the tower height, Thanks for the response.
Very good response, I will definitely take this to mind.
Any reasons as to why you are neutral? Anything that can be improved?
Thank you.
Like I said in the main description, there are multiple spots that I have left secret for players to discover, there are about 5 hidden spots to...
No Support 1.) You used to hack. 2.) Immature. 3.) Inactive on forums. 4.) Inactive in game. 5.) You are sometimes rude.
Thanks for the feedback, I am learning more and more every day and becoming more experienced.
Support, new spawn is definitely needed.
Hello everyone today I am here to introduce a new map that will hopefully be added to the infection community. Me and my friends have spent...
Reporting Player IGN: XefoBearPvP Reported Player IGN: EddyCockRocks [Used to be EddyCottonSocks] Message: Aimbot and triggerbot. Proof: [MEDIA]
Reporting Player In-Game Name: derekneugebauer Reported Player In-Game Name: FaZe_Merk Message: Kill aura/crits etc... Proof: [MEDIA]
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: xRollzRoyce23x Message: Kill Aura ETC.... Proof: [MEDIA]
Toheed I did not accuse you of hacks, I accused you of scamming and reported with a chat log because I was not recording at the time. You were...
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: saulgraham Message: This player has kill aura and he threatened to hack me. Proof: [MEDIA]
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: QuantumAssasin Message: Advertising.[ATTACH]