Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: michaelorup Message: Hack/DDoS Threats. Proof:
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: TigerZ_ Message: This player has KillAura and or ForceField. Watch how I get hit back...
Neutral, there are some things I support and some that I do not like. 1.) God Apples should not be purchasable, they are reasonable to be able to...
Can you do the report I tagged you in please?
Congratulations bananaman!, and good luck with your new position.
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: Lashy Message: This player has Kill Aura/Anti KB. Proof: [MEDIA]
Discdog you already know I support 1000% <3 1.) You are respectful. 2.) You are active. 3.) You are mature. 4.) You are kind. Good Luck! :D
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: Haxamin Message: Kill Aura/Anti Knockback Proof: [MEDIA]
I will try to get one in the future, but for now it can be closed.
Oh, I understand. I was banned for that once on factions.
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: FatFish0110 Message: Left Kill-Aura On. Proof: [MEDIA]
Go on creative, and do /p h MrScuffyPlaysMC
I personally own an mcprohosting server and it is the best hosting company I have ever used, there is no lag whatsoever and there are good deals...
I will consider making a video, thanks for the feedback.
Thank you. :)