@canucksfan44 @Janice999
Reporting Player IGN: CosmicRaids Reported Player IGN: bluepen200 Message: Death Threats. Proof:
Smiting: Around 0:56 as well as smallfrie. reputating is near the beginning.
Reporting Player IGN: CosmicRaids Reported Players IGN: Reputate, Smiting, and smallfrie1234 Message: All 3 of these people were hacking on a...
I will continue quoting responses and bumping daily. Thank you.
Daily Bump
What do you mean advertising?
Thanks for the feedback, you probably have not seen me very much because I play a variety of servers, however thanks. :D
Nope lol, I still play factions a lot. I am trying to be more active on the forums.
Any reasons as to why you are neutral?
No support. 1.) Needs more detail 2.) Be more active.
That does make it ok to use foul language, it still makes you immature.
And he calls himself mature...
Thank you for the advice.
I will try to reply more often, thank you. <3
Thanks for the feedback and support, its appreciated. :)
Any reasons as to why you do not support? Anything I can improve on?
What is there to respond to? You list no reasons on what I need to improve on, just simple 'No support, based on the feecback of others'.
Reporting Player IGN: derekneugebauer Reported Player IGN: xXPvPKingsXx Message: This player has kill aura/forcefield. Proof: [MEDIA]