Barely know and talk to you, but stay strong.
Support! Btw how does the rate me if I'm a good mod come up? Do you put that there or is it just come up randomly?
May i ask why?
Lel yup xD
No support Or nah?? Support ;)
Added more information and edited my application! Enjoy
Support <3 :D
Tnx man!
Fill out the template or this will be ignored. No support for now
Be a little more active on forums. More detail dont hurt. Good luck ;)
Thnx guys!
About 2 months ago yes but that one (Misspvp's report) I wasn't hacking. I got banned for hacking like 3 months ago but I'm a different person...
He didn't know I was joking. And I was joking. I've hacked in the past but I've stopped hacking and I'm a different person now. Change your mind?
Phoenix no disrespect but take a joke. I was kidding. I say this to a lot of people who call me a hacker because I don't hack but I just say it to...
Tnx guys
Great app. Me personally I dont see you on the server not in a way that youre never on but Id like to meet one day on one of the gamemodes lel....
Tnx dude
No support Or nah? Support man ;)