I have.... not in ANY order... because if it was.... My friends would kill me for liking someone over another xD @Leigh31 @MEB77 @killerpuppydog...
I would buy... ALL THE DOCTOR WHO THINGS IN THE WORLD!!!!!! xD and also Donate to charity, because I love donating :D and we can't forget to buy...
I can't wait until your birthday, Leigh! I won't get you anything though... because I don't have any money! Unless... you want me to get you a...
Hai, My name is Sky, I am 13 years old and I love a lot of things! I have put a lot of things everywhere about myself and it's usually the same...
Already working on it! sometimes I just do stuff on here, and I keep refreshing the page for something to happen xD
Ty! :D
Ok! I will try ^-^ and ty for the luck, I will need it! and also Good Luck to you too! everywhere!!!! :D
Naaah.. this is better than nothing xD and also, I am working on being friend with the community ^~^ sooo... @TheCommunity... BE MY FRIEND! xD jk...
I am in a Skype call with 6 people... I think it's making my computer break... xD
Playing factions with a friend right now ^~^ Yay friends :D
Yessssss, What time is it? ITS ANIME TIME! xD Don't ask me what I watch... I won't ever tell you! xD
Time for sleep... Good night Mineverse...
I am off making myself a new skin (for a bit) and then off to make a new profile pic :P Still sad about the Back stabbing -.-
I am new to the Forums in a way, since I made this a while back, but anyways other than that I am am here to say Congratz to everyone! :D
Well... I have just been back stabbed by my own friends... -.- thank you "friends" -.-
Being alone isn't always a bad thing :D I am having a lunch break :P
Will do! and ty for the Luck :D
Playing Factions! if anyone would want to join! :3
Can you at least put your real age instead of 18? Ik that your account says you are 18 but please don't lie on this Mod application! just put your...
Thanks! I will use this ;)