need an admin or higher to help me out, I reported a skyblock scammer to youtuber, he was banned and I haven't received my 100k back that I was...
Noobcrew Server Owner Server Owner Messages: 259 Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. Your in-game name: Powea What...
wishing everyone a happy holidays and a great 2019!
you guys should implement the one plugin where every so often it allows someone to spell a word for a prize, and you can make those prizes range...
Requesting a mineverse staff member on the op pvp server, we have 12 players online right now and the fun is getting ruined by a single hacker.
how have some people not gotten banned yet?? like seriously I just logged onto op pvp and there is still a hacker online from like 4 days ago!...
when will the new op pvp map be released? and why was it taken out?
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. Your in-game name: Powea What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard time What country...
you guys really need some help on here, there are hackers everywhere and never any staff online to get them banned.
Your in-game name: Powea What timezone are you in? eastern time What country do you live in? United states What languages do you speak? English Do...
Hello mineverse staff team, I am a very experienced mineverse player and i have donated 250 dollars to this server because i love it so much....
Jenn, What are thew requirments for being a Minevwerse Moderator exactly?
Hello, my name is WhatsYourExcuse aka Sam, i would like to apply for mineverse moderator because i have been playing mineverse for a while and i...
[MEDIA] just watch the video to prove that he hacks
Yesterday I was on skyblock and then today I came back and warped to my shop and everything was deleted. I am thinking it got hacked or the chunk...
I think I would be a great Moderator because I have been playing on this server for about 3 years now. I know how everybody on this server acts...
whenever I try to log onto creative by clicking the diamond or doing /creative, I always crash. this starting happening on Monday. Also I've lost...