Android. Dropped my phone about 20 times now, on different surfaces including rocks. It has never cracked or scratched. Its a galaxy S5. Had it...
Yeah no. These threads make it worse.
Thats why i quit along with others.
@Prin also built Mineshaft with me.
Hellblock is amazing. Its a fun gamemode. @Valixta can agree with this.
Can I noc on your door? Lol soz. Bad joke. :P
What server is this? Lmao
Username (Dubtrack): _KingAlex_ Donor rank on Crew's servers: MVP on mineverse, donor 10 on .net Age: 15 Time zone: +10 Why should you be a...
Noccc :)
Rofl. That was fun, and yeah, lets not do that again. :P
App is great. Loving it. I love it how one person also can't make multiple request of songs. They can ony queue one song at a time. Thanks Akrill....
Duck you. Eat some salt.
The memories. Preach man.
When @Prin was a Sponsor.
This report: The old Admin rank. Remember that? :P Goddammit. That was...
Rip. Babe :(