Go damn. School got threaten with bomb threats By ISIS. Ripp?
Schools in lock down. Got a bomb threat. Lol and Ripp
Rate Abuse .[ATTACH]
All g.
Nothing. I said something messed up. Did some messed up stuff. Its all g now
Explain more? I dont really understand what your getting at. Are you saying that if your inactive you dont get reset?
Eyy your back. ;)
Nah. Don't want to talk about it in here.
Lock my app. Honestly I've become a monster. I didnt actually want or mean to say any of that. Someone has made me change as a person alot. I...
Lock this.
Mega please dont. I actually am sorry. I'm turning into a monster with things I'm saying
I'm going through a period of life. Its slowly turning me into a monster. Help
Advertising is not allowed however your allowed to advertise Skyblock.net as the server owners here, Cyp and Crew, own it lmfao.
Stel's been banned to now. Dunno how long. Lol. Maybe one day you'll get unbanned. Lel.
LOOOOOL I love that cancerous keemstar.
Good, Sorta quit, but still on the forums. Lel. How are you?
Eyyyy :)
Never trusting or respecting Aviators. Not ganna call him pewdiepie. Number one) This can be claimed as Copyright. LOL. Number 2 i can make too...