No one on here really, (Sorry) Had one in real life but yeah no. Lawl
<3, Bit torturous. Got a few hates, few people mad at me, just made a fool of myself too, eh oh well. Ill find a positive.
Life for me right now is litterly a roller-coaster for me right now. Lel.
Whoops. Deleted 500 from my channel. Eh no biggy.
Nah not going to do it actually.
Eyy I do
Its a glitch/bug thats never been fixed and easy to abuse.
Thinking of selling my mc account.
Ayeee. Miss talking to you ;(
I guy i met in real life. The most savage human being alive
Damn met the most savage person on earth
Qld I go to the Gap High School
Heres a link
Not sure. Police confirmed the threats came from ISIS or ISIS supporters. They were made to screw with officers days
Nah. At home. 10 schools across the state were evacuated. No bombs found. Scary stuff though
Il post a pic soon.