I noticed that yesterday the mob farm at D mine was sealed. I think that the mob farm should be returned, only moved to a higher mine, such as B...
Yeah, I think about 1.5 or 2mil should be about right.
Support. I recommend something like Obsidian, which takes forever to break even with efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe.
Support. I think it's good to give people incentive to actually buy the rank, beside just bragging rights, since you can just show off you bal by...
No support. It's fine how it is.
Why did you remove mob spawners from D mine?
That too
Prison just broke
Yeah I'm fine, just some standard shots.
You're welcome :)
Had to do some blood work today.
I have no clue how it works. I just know that factions are still up.
Support. I think you'll be a great mod.
No they're both there now.
Server down for me again. Who else?
Ouch bro. Feelz Bad
3 Mil seems a bit steep. Maybe 1 or 2 mil instead.
I also think they should add /ah for Free-Man and up on Prison, along with /shop
It's worse today. Prison Freeworld is impossible to play in. Fix or people will quit by the bucketload.