Some Clients auto alert each time a staff gets on
cant im forced 2 be at this 5 years olds house im using my sisters laptop lol
Lets see staff types /afk all the hackers on come, You get the alert that the staff is no longer afk all the hackers get off. This would just be...
xBMAN this is what I mean you are getting too defensive out of nowhere. I never said it was stolen I just said it is the same one as the Skyblock...
Mini Mod ^^ good for helping people on kitpvp Total noob only wears p3
Have you ever heard of not making a new plug in mabey there is something called stealing one. Mineverse has the same /ah plug in as the skyblock...
Gee Thanks for being the 100th to write a thread about this. We get you want attention but there is no need to come after miverse staff...
MMM I am the exact opposite of this because I have a few questions for you. What servers were you ever staff on? How successful were these...
No Support This looks like you grided this out when your teacher was not looking in class. This lacks detail. You did the least possible works...
you do know that there was an anti-cheat they just used NCP+ which is a fking meme
another person leaving ohh geeee what a surprise this will continue to happen if the owners keep up what there doing BTW that is: Not giving a...
Bruh the map that we have right now is lit af dont remove it
Support BUT Do not add crates that will ruin mineverse you should call it kitmap if you add crates you cant be throwing stuff like that. The whole...
#TagMe @M007River #StopMakingThreadsLikeThese #1000Otherthreadslikethis #ImAKoolKid #HashtagsArefuckingLife
R & D Manufacturing
Jezzus Coming from the #1 hacker on mineverse the problem with the server is that it is too easy to trick mods into unbanning you and the staff...
Oracle Financial Services ( totally did not research that)
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Ozzy The offender's exact ingame name:DeadlyWolfCub A...