Imagine I faked this all for attention much love to you I know I have memed you in the past but this show hows mature you are and what type of...
Its been a fun time but imna be trying to quit soon. It has been fun idrk if im going to be quitting for good but hopefully I will. I loved seeing...
since when was I the one who was bot farming. I dare you to find one piece of evidence that supports that claim. Start with that then we can talk...
who asked?
supporting again
bumping this thread
Lunar AC to be specific
bringing activity back to this
yall sleepin on me wtf
Support very active and constantly reporting hackers
hacked armor
bringing activity
support very nice person and would make excellent staff
support seen you on a lot and you genuinely care about this server
Suport ...
Recently on Kitpvp there has been a new addition that does not let players kill the same person in a same time period. In my opinion this is worse...
he is best mod na
Mineverse has to change up quite a few things in my opinion but one of the things I believe they should change is how they handle banning "Leaking...
I hope you realize that some people bought titan because of perks like this. In oppvp healing other players is a big advantage and in kitpvp it...