1. FOUGHTMOVIE4 2. Matrix_Mercenary https://gyazo.com/dfab0149a14cfa6112aeefe17a89af62
1. FOUGHTMOVIE4 2. JokePad https://gyazo.com/3667f1119e76ea7665744e960354f4f7 https://gyazo.com/e0a7ea8c8aaa0ab641775a4da9d0bc7a
1. FOUGHTMOVIE4 2. I_Took_Apu https://gyazo.com/0c4268b1121d82b9f5eb00cc2acf49f4
My IGN: FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders: Well um there is like 40 of them sorry, cant list them all. :/ Advertising/Spam <== They used ilegal cheats to do...
My IGN: FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders: Zachzach12 [MEDIA] He was using Anti kb, kill aura and ect.
My IGN:FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders:Deadshot0419 He was using kill aura, Flying, anti kb and ect. [MEDIA]
*My IGN:FOUGHTMOVIE4 *Offenders:TigerrrPvP and Jason224 *They were trying to auction scam. These kind of people are so annoying, cause people try...
My Ign:FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders:_MEGA_COOKIE_ Profanity. @Janice999 This person just does not know when to stop. He just keeps on going he never learns.
My Ign:FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders:Seas Advertising https://gyazo.com/3c63aa701af90ba1a37e45233a1dfbba
My Ign:FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders:_MEGA_COOKIE_ Profanity https://gyazo.com/adf83cc55bd52ff2f5735dfb18a5ea3a...
My Ign:FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders:_MEGA_COOKIE_ Profanity https://gyazo.com/6319f7b7d7264867f987c54654300db2
My Ign:FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offender: Long_Island_Pat Profanity https://gyazo.com/4ef60d0450a91094267d2d7c2cbe786e
My Ign:FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders:_MEGA_COOKIE_ Profanity https://gyazo.com/226a7048dee2c311a3eb0f7f451eb6db
My Ign: FOUGHTMOVIE4 offenders: BAB199 Using Profanity. https://gyazo.com/3245598b97b06f34d3bfd4b1491c07ce
My in: FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offends: Long_Island_Pat Rule Broken: Profanity https://gyazo.com/0bd91ec55b3ed62b842ba04b33b969c0
My Ign: FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offender: Flygirltkd This person was giving death threats. Also earlier about 10mins before this He/She was giving "ddos"...
My ign: FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offender's: Thoraxim Thoraxim Advertising his server
My ign: FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders:YouMadBro Sharing people's ip, this can be a risk for players when there IP is being told to everyone.[ATTACH]
My ign: FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders: zach12351fox Advertising his server.
My ign:FOUGHTMOVIE4 Offenders name; Mcgalaxypro Advertising his server