No problem :p
It's a special ability and it's only every hour.
Never said I was gonna ddos you m8. GG
It's your little brain that doesn't understand anything. If It's a statement you have no rights to make a report. If I actually said it then yes,...
No valid proof. My booter could hit off your phone connection too. This is not a threat it is a statement of truth. (Never said I was going to...
Lol, this isn't valid proof.
I said if a gapple was added, not the kit. Just stop here, you are getting nowhere with this.
Thanks for everything, Cyp. @Daddy - I still think you look like that one cat in your picture.
Stop flaming on the post, you have already put your input so stop commenting because It's starting a flame war.
Omfg, It's 15 minutes for the stimpy kit, what are you talking about? It's 32 pearls also. Where tf did you come up with 50?
You aren't thinking at all. Non donors, the people who won't/can't donate. VIP has a terrible kit. I would much rather have Stimpy then VIP....
Assassin is a common idea but the kit was made up by me. No other kits, not on Minetime, Mineswine, any other servers have this kit. It is all...
Lol no, I made all these up on my own. GG for trying though. Having more then 1 rank would satisfy players to work towards better things. That is...
No, just no.
Oh, I thought you meant ever 30 minutes. I think the gapple cool down should be 48 hours, not the kit
1 super golden apple is way to much for the Stimpy kit. It needs to be regular. Other then that. I like the changes.
Your status is almost valid again!
No. Just no. Then there would be no point in playing.