No problem :p
You my friend have just earned yourself the official retard trophy. You have no idea how much cyp does.
Okay. Here is the point of this whole thread. We all recently saw the mods go (Most of them) and disagree or not, some have been giving Cypriot a...
Thanks, he fixed it. The 1.01 had a bug.
I updated it to 1.01 but it still seems to not be working.
I think my PC is broken. Is this tutorial out dated?
Terrick. Terricka. Terrishona. Terish. Black names.
Yay! A hacker returns!
I don't need proof of a time you were on? Why would I take a screenshot? Do I really give a flying sh*t?
I have done /seen many times in the past. One time you had been on SB for over 3 1/2 hours.
I always go on Skyblock to see you on for hours. Trust me, that is your selected gamemode.
I'm fendodo. I play 16/17 hours a day. It's not Timezones.
Never seen you on Kit, Never seen you on OP, rarely every seen you on Prison, never seen you on factions, sometimes see you on Survival and always...
Tbh, you only play Skyblock.
Thank you :D
@canucksfan44 - Please move this to Ideas & Suggestions
Little bump.
yo mum, mind if i tickle yo bum?
I uhhh.....