They exist but you have to manually solder them. He is an idiot.
LOL skid, you don't have an external VC runner because then you'll need an external Power supply with at least 600W, stop trying to be a little...
Oh and with 6 Ge-force VC, you would be getting WELL over 900fps. I would also like to point out that is impossible as the Lenovo eRazor only has...
He is a wizard. A god wizard.
Lol my max on MV: 2,155fps in one of the Infection maps.
Send PMs to this account, my other is banned.
Lol, I can waste ten minutes of my time to go retrieve the messages if you'de like. It would be quite the embarrassment for you though.
I got banned on the Malware account for god knows what reason but to be fair, I know your address, city, state, zip, hair color, weight, height,...
Spawn them in a little box with the rules and when they accept, tp's them to actual gameplay.
Or they shouldn't be able to move until they do /acceptrules
I hate to say this but how inactive you're being will lead to a demotion.
Change my mind, support :p
I use Stimpy's default PVP edit.
@PrincessPayne - Reported <33
Your forum name: iModem The offender's forum name: PrincessPayne A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Rate abuse...
No It's ducky
It's quite sad how he has to eat his hands just to maintain his 15k diet :( I call him the kangaroo with 18 socks