Hmmmm. Sounds nice
Haha. I understand. I only drink coffee, really. Yes Ko is my name. It stands for Koharu. I don't know very much about it, but I do know that it's...
Facts about me! I am 25! I am not married! I do have a boyfriend! I have 3 cats! I love art! I am visiting Ohio, next Monday! Iv never been...
I love the 100! Try going to walmart! Season 2 is on sale for 10$!!! My apartment is full of posters!! I can show you were I get the posters if...
I am glad that you like my application! I have, in fact, edited some more things into it recently! And no, I do not have any children yet, I'm...
Haha thanks! :)
Looks amazing!
Bump! Sorry I haven't been active! I recently got back from Malaysia!
Support <3
Thank you!
Sounds awesome! Can't wait to meet some of the community!!!
Hello!! Haha, I will!
Thank you sir!!
Haha yes! Thanks!
Kind words! Means a lot! Thank you!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Bump :)
More, and more apartments! Nothing much.
IGN: Elephant_Of_Anime Nephews account! Rank: Default! He'd love it :)