sup bro
Hallo Mineverseian
thanks fam
Poke me again and I block you, m8.
None lol
You still owe me $10,000 on PvpFest, bro.
The Mineverse Kit Pvp community is so nice. I only got told to kill myself about 14 times. <3 you guys.
Too much effort.
So, the Mineverse forums gives me Ebolaids whenever I'm on a mobile device. Is there a way to cure this?
u a scrub
hey scrub
Lmao your profile pic xD
Don't react or the Fine Bros will sue you.
Not really. I play used to play Mineverse a lot, sooooo.
Longing Rusted Seventeen Daybreak Furnace Nine Benign Homecoming One Freight car ... Ready to comply.
That awkward moment when you notice the typo in your post.
omg xD
Hi, I'm Nick. I'm the Head Builder of Minetime. I'm new to the forums, not to the server. Sup