what its makes him money
o hey there LOL
Wow, I remember when you used to message me everyday on forums. I doubt you even know I was gaesangL in-game, lol. I got perm banned like 7 months...
w o w o k
Damn, sorry for all the hate I caused, if you remember it. We should hook up some time again. :) Pm me your skype and Ill respond when I can.
You know dyna, she wants it her way so u shouldnt rly argue with her bcuz shes either gonna win or u get banned haha
Just add unbans ffs
If your justsaying unbans are against the eula, pretty much everything on mineverse it self is against eula, ranks, keys, ect.
all them are perm banned LOL
no its not. lmao so many other servers do it. You clearly don't want old players to be unbanned.
Mega, how did you even find out my main account was perm banned in the first place? Lmao.
oh hi there lOL
please message him, I don't like being perm banned on the server I have to play these shtty hcf servers.
You realize he can implement a limit on how many unbans you can buy per account. Also, its basically the only other thing people will buy because...
ITS HARDLY BEEN UP FOR 3 YEARS LOL anyways whats your point lmao
Cyp needs players, Cyp needs money. If people arent gonna buy ranks since its basically pointless, the server is gonna get shutdown sooner or later.