All I wish was that he got repromoted and then this could get him demoted then he'd cry, that's all I wished :'(
I speak the truth because I'm a truth seeker.
If this thread was about pops, yes he sucks we know.
[ATTACH] I love gontroller like <3
That's because he didn't want to get caught in the act of abusing, The last thing I did on my main account was rate two of his posts with a...
Welcome to MV! I hope to see your large pixel art of giant <edited> along the portals in spawn.
I'll quickly rent a giant mansion, order as many strippers and hookers that I can get, then after a night of rough partying ect, overdose with the...
Stop banning my ALTS. My account was falsely banned by an ex abuse moderator, which doesn't give you permission to ban it for "Rules Violation,...
wh0 is this epic man you speak of.
The guy who likes ducks... that should be my new alias.
I'll give you one clue, I like ducks.
No support, You're just hungry for mod again, you also got demoted in less then 3 days. Then you rage quitted.