Yeah Ask him! I even said at my last post big thanks to see you next saturday
You can even ask him! he said yes! I even gave him credit!
THIS IS THE GUY THATS MY FRIEND He allowed me to spread the news!
Well, When my friend posted it on steam. It got A LOT of people saying thanks so much bro you're awesome!
I've heard a lot of people loosing there stuff like people saying Ill give you $10000 if you give me you're Protection 4 helmet so then he pays...
For me personally I LOVEEE Archery I am like 100 at bows I am an archer for life! I also like: Alchemy It is good for leaping health boost...
I think its already popular, even getting 2 people on a server is a difficult task :P
So many Alerts :O
Just type in Sub & Sk3tch
I don't think that's the problem, when I first joined the community it was fine and I still type like this a week after its happening Ö
:P you guys are funny! I do like SubZeroExtabyte he is one of my idols. So no :P Orr am I? duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
:D OMG :D :D Thanks so much! That really just made my day! :D
Hello everyone I may make spelling mistakes on this because on the forums when I try to type it doesn't type it in! Ö does anyone else have this...
Mehh, I'm fine recording without a rank on any server
I know Minecraft is not on Steam, I am just using this for an example. But you can add it to you're library <3333
:o that sounds threatening in a good way, Like saying Heyy there, I got candy in my van and the name candy is written in black marker
SubZeroFinest 926 7 sets
watttt to do watt to doo
I will be doing new guides everyday :D if I have time