Last time I voted it was fine.
Hi I was wondering how to fix the voting thing? I voted done all the steps and it says Your session expired, please try again. Here is the...
His obviously trolling
How old are you? 83 Your in-game name: y do i nedd to tel u mine yur own busiesness what timezone are you in? wat dos it m3tter to u? What country...
Whens that moderator tag gonna pop up?
Yeah "Your service", You could have changed stuff around, other people could have made it, not you.
This is true, But I am showing mainly how to delete the left overs from the virus, But I know how to use a thing that can download a virus deleter...
I jwust vcheked the lwogs you are nwow thwe firsts conragtualtions, [Spoiler] Lol I'm not that bad at grammar, This is what I said I just...
Ok thanks
I can teach you how to become a redstone pro, If you teach me how to build I suck at building.
Actually I'm 14, Thanks, And I never said you have more experience then me.
yuo wwdsxjnt kooki?
Can you make me on? What is your ign? SubZeroFinest What are your two most favourite colours? Lime and Yellow Would you like a profile picture,...
1. I don't watch youtube videos every single day... Again you don't understand you don't delete viruses with command prompt! You can remove files...
No I don't mean that. I mean when you said KeeChainZ Mod in all that colour.
rsfankk yuoi ifgr havwegrdpfseg vgjfxa trirjwerijgrgries
I tri mte vbest to kweep fem high n pwroud fank you subkriob
ongfmasdfxmgffsdmsa gwaxcxdd anofhgter 2 cockies itsgfd ok mrr igrottgofhackedshonalalkjsf ahve kooki
fank uuu s00ooo mwuchdwsad I wubsz da kooki i wuv yd meelkk ttttyy soobskyryib <3