Welp not the replies I was expecting but oh well dead thread now ;p
Bro whoever added this needs to seek help. When you mute someone why do you give them the option to evade like wtf?!?!? Anyways this is a...
People's attention are not drawn first to the main rules page when they 1st join the server xd. You're right, its just your opinion however its...
I'm making this so some sort of reminder telling players to record their deals, exactly like the "Don't forget to vote!" reminder, is added in. I...
"no idea how to balance infection prestiges or kits" I agree. "It's not like Crew will do this" Semi-Agree you never know anything with this dude....
Infection is dead. Here are potentially some suggestions to revive it? 1. Remove/Nerf zombie prestige perks - From experience of playing it is...
I think I made a thread similar to this and it got shut down. I want a way for people to apply for builder but like the hand-picking and the trust...
big thighs. In Atom we trust
I don't even know if you meet requirements or not but if you don't that's one reason why I don't support and the other is toxic as hell ingame...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: GoogleAccount The offender's exact ingame name:...
Remove the dragon egg cooldown. Every time I see people going egg hunting they have to tp other players to open it for them because of the...
Increasing the chance of getting an extra key / extra money when voting. I'm only supporting this idea the rest I don't care about
Gracias Amigo Crew( this message was before i logged on) OMG THE NEW SPAWN WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!(after i logged on)
Yes I know there is always the option of not resetting oppvp but instead adding several suggestions to improve the current gamemode as it is now....
Reset Oppvp. I don't know if this is for discussion even though I'm suggesting it so I'm just making the statement of "reset oppvp" and people can...
bruh what.
new survival type? explain ! ! !
God damn, it blows up one day but dies the other? We need updates! We need players! We need fun! Until then, I'll be here, laying back, watching...