Nice and simple, add the command /timer in order to see how long you have left before you can open another dragon egg. This will be helpful for...
Neutral leaning no support. Reasoning - there are little to no players to moderate so no reason to apply as of now unless you have something that...
Goodness Atom, the jojo, buff, hot stuff, and father figure god eh
Gimme that hot sauce o;<
No Support.
Still support but this man speaking facts. Maybe if one more staff member resigns they'll consider lmao.
/friends and /staff gui doesn't work on infection
I don't think there should be permanent kits. It's kinda what killed infection in the first place. Once people maxed out they became bored because...
I got a question, can you pay other players? Just curious.
Neutral and Bumping. I like the idea but there aren't many people to contest baltop on oppvp and kitpvp(survival already has this added). I'm not...
Bumping. This suggestion is valid and you can't tell me otherwise. Also, sorry if this is advertising idk I'm just proving a point, hypixel has...
Support and Bump. I sometimes farm vote party with alts but considering the server being really dead, get this added in for more advertising and...
Thanks papi
What he said.
If I haven't already, support cus good map and robo :>
1. Get 50 Post Count 2. Be more active 3. Active on disc but I don't think I see you on forums. 4. Like Brendunce said, get some reports and also...
I mean support I guess for reasons already stated but the people involved in adding stuff to mineverse (for lack of better words) suck at adding...