If that's the case, then why does Minecraft have more active players per month, than fortnite does? In addition, why did Minecrft gain an...
Regarding my post, I would just like to highlight the fact that as of now, Minecraft may appear "dead", but if some large servers can adapt to...
Greetings all, Before I start, I would like you guys to read this article:...
Neutral Application lacks detail, and you have not been a member of this community for much long. GLWA, however.
Neutral, not enough time on network.
This application is quite disappointing. Nonetheless, good luck. No support :(
I used to spend countless hours playing infection... then the reset :(
Thank you to everyone that's replied! We, as a community, would like to try to help revive/restore mineverse's playerbase to what it once was. I...
Hey all, I'd like to take the time to reach out to the community (especially those "ancient members") and ask all of you to share your collective...
Thanks! :P
Black is beautiful. Hate is ugly. Women are as precious as they are stronger than any man I have ever met.
Congrats all of the winners! Go to hopefuls
Such a ing had reason to un-suport
Hey Noobcrew & The Rest of Mineverse staff & Admin. My name is Aden. The reason why i came here today to apply For Mod is because i'd like to...
//Non Template Cooperation = Automicat Deny// Please Try again, and put some more detail into your application If you want you can look at my...
Object No Support Non Professional applicant. /Auto-Denied/
:cool: How old are you? I am 12 years old and im in 6th grade Your in-game name: aden64 What timezone are you in? I am in the...
The biggest thing that i have been working on this year is trying to be mroe active on the forums but then a question sprang into my head when a...