Greetings all, I'm W1z3, I've been in this community for 5+ years (since 2014), and I ultimately left due to my beloved, "infection" game-mode...
Support for both.
un coulour
Translate in Spanish Libitard :/
"Jailbreak" would be nice... I stg if it's like Roblox I'll kms
oyo como vas 0.o
Welcome back!
5 years on the forums :)
Merman tail and I have a pet = truth I love pepsi = lie I own a mazda cx300 I dislike capitalism I'm a lifeguard
I think the thing that concerns me most is the fact that crew didn't even acknowledge one of the largest factors in keeping a playerabse alive......
@Swift 1000% scum xD
I've got a large enough budget, and connections to some rather large content creators such as Skeppy, and Alxton. Both good friends of mine. I'll...
He'd hand the reigns over to someone like myself, who can constantly contribute to, and bring populus ideas to MV. I'd revamp op prison,...
So, what if he doesn't persay part with it, and let an active administrator take over, and grow MV to where it needs to be?
A substantial amount, one that would be mutually agreeable for the current ownership, and for myself. I'd discuss the general logistics of it...
I've posted this request in GD, as I have no reliable other way to contact @Noobcrew or an appropriate equivalent. I've been in this community...
Cheers all! I've been doing a lot of thinking... Mineverse has the potential to be something spectacular, but doesn't seem to have any effort or...
been around since ‘14 old name was aden64
I respectfully disagree, I believe that with some effort, and a proper revamp, Mineverse could potentially be what it once was.