24-24-6 Canucks vs a 34-14-5 Blue Jackets who has a better shot of making the playoffs
You ain't no Jackets fan you're are Bruins fan
No support you acted terrible on Skyblock and that's not what Mineverse needs
Try again
this sums it up
ban wagon 100%
The Indians winning the world series. The Columbus blue jackets have a shot. The Browns have 30 more QB's to go through to get to the Super Bowl...
Detroit is a bad place for sports this year
Yeah They're bad
The Browns vs The Lions Super Bowl 52 I'm calling it now.
The Arizona Coyotes :)
I'm a Browns fan and our seasons look like the Falcons we always blow the lead in the fourth
When I go to click on Op prison it says "You are not whitelisted on this server" Why does it say this??
Nah it's the truth me being a former hacker I know the anti-cheat is very bad
There anti-cheat is from the dollar store
I need help I spent 50$ USD on a rank on skywars.com and I don't have it now I was told to come here by Lemonade__ please help