Congrats on premium. :)
Changing to support, best of luck.
false the person below is a Nokia phone user
hello c;
No support. Inactive.
LOL you don't even play MV. ;D
Relatively low view count and I don't think I've seen you in game before. I'm leaning towards support and will come back to this application when...
Switching to support from neutral, best of luck. :)
Neutral, reasons stated above.
Welcome to Mineverse Louie. :))
It was only the other day Doc that you were boasting about your car knowledge. ;)
no u
No support, reasons stated above.
I like it, full support. :))
imagine losing a poke war
Why the random negative rating @Accepted and @its_tuber? ;/
I knew I would forget. <3
I know right, it’s dreadful news!