:CypriotSmasher :kitkat6605910 http://i.gyazo.com/a73a01c79315297c4aa96f6a7861b9df.gif kitkat is a experienced moderator, she should not be...
Did something happen to your face?.. I'm not too sure think I might need to go to specsavers.
Goodbye sir.
O and congrats on 3k positives! :)
Can't believe you forgot me in Pros of infected.. :(
Welcome to the forums latest member.
P.P.P.P.P.S Hey welcome.
Lol really? forgetting someone pretty sure I reached prestige 10 before all of you.. :)
Ign: smasher1245 Prestige: 10 Level: 862 (SgtMaj) Do you know me: Not really.. Donator rank? Which one: God Which rank do you want to be? Helper
Your spectacular.
Haven't heard from you for a while? how are you? did you leave? it says you were active today?
Your a cool dude.
Why this account Moku? what happened to the other one?..
Are you serious?
Dude I'm speechless.. goodbye.. </3
Miss mod? :/