Been saying we need something like this for years, good job guys!
what game modes are you suggesting this be added on? this is already a thing in the lobby at least ETA: I’m unaware which game modes don’t...
thank you everyone! <3
thanks so much, means a lot <3
Love this. I see no downside to implementing this, especially since you're suggesting a cool-down. Support!
ooft, tell me about it -finally some free time!
miss u
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: HeyitsAlexa The offender's exact ingame name: Duggu__...
thank yaaa Thank you so much for your support, I appreciate that response so much. I'm going to try very hard to prove everything you have stated...
I've eaten green tree ants (I wasn't told what I was eating a first) and they were actually pretty yummy! Good experience besides picking ants...
I haven’t seen much of you lately but I know what you’re capable of so big support!
I support allowing us to use lava and water buckets, but I'm not sure about spawner eggs.
In-game name: Homicidal Discord: Alexa#0464 Favorite game mode: can I say infection Favorite car: brum Future career: innovator
Thanks! : ) tricky trickster Thank you, that is very kind :>
Thank you!! Aw thanks heaps <3 <3 HAHA third time but I like to group the first 2 times together Thanks :’)
Thank you for your support! :happy:
Love this!! Finally some new trophies to strive for :’)
thank you, sweet!! <3
vary gaod thank you x
hmm, could be neutral u right