Intel Core i7-4790 3.6GHz. 16GB RAM. 256GB SSD+1TB HDD. NVIDIA GeForce GTX960 2GB Windows 8.1
You're not on many servers, you only play op and kit . Only 2 servers I see you on and try to learn how to banned players who are actually hacking...
No thank you .
Support .
@Rodee @Torch
Uh its call ? have yall heard of that ? I think y'all haven't smh .
Im @TADS and I want to ss a mod :)
Smh got banned on op pvp for HACKS LOLOLOL!OLLO!LOLO man y'all really need to focus on who is hacking and who is not hacking smh fix it .
sorry dad .
otc I really don't remember .
Search up in YouTube Sosa
I remember :D .
Long time no seeeee .
@OhhBlaze Ign ?? @Censor yours ??
IOS because the emojis and better quality .
Sosaaaaaa .
^^ yes sir .
For being fetti on .
Fetty on fetty on fetty .
Ofc foughtmovie .