If you don't like this server then leave, if you didn't like it you wouldn't have bought a rank on mineverse.
Oh yes oh yes dad. @Veracity_
Sorry for late respond dad.
We need kohi mods here,
I was on today and got called like 20+ times that I'm hacking.
Support if mods can do /vanish they can't do anything hit or anything they can just spectate any player they want, Mods can't abuse this command....
I'm still using 1.7.2
@TADS there.
Your ingame name: crazy01robert The offender's exact ingame name:lmBanEvading A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:using hacks...
1v1 me csgo .
never see you in it .
And you're ? And it's a habit don't worry about it's not your fingers .
Daddy .
No support, you're barely in any games you're always on factions and you're not friendly .
I love when people call hacks on me <3
I might quit mv :)
Look in your inbox.