support as of now i play skyblock every day and it is getting kinda boring i think adding like achievements and goals would attract a lot more...
pls support i want this to become a real thing
no support!!!!! what death said
can you pls raise the limit to 175
Think about it whenever you use your kit you get a lot of stuff except money so I want when you use your kit you could also get money from it this...
But if anyone is a simp IAM
I hope noob raises it 25
LOL simp phewww
I support
as an active player of skyblock i think noob should add a plug-in kit grass and kit sand it would basically be like kit iron where you would get...
Noob if you read this can you make it 20 higher pls
yeah they are
oh thaks
I am looking to sell a creeper head in skyblock so if you have any offers. pls offer up
they should reallymake the hopper limit higher
50 is not even a dent in what my storage system for my pumpkin farm need raise it 50higeher pls
yes we all do
this update sucks