Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: TheChainGod The offender's exact ingame name: Tempoo...
Do you have a release date? or an estimate on how long until you release it?
Make it any version below 1.9 PLEASE it makes pvp so trash if its 1.12
Support, because if not all mods can ip check its pointless the rule being there anyway
Yeah if titans have /heal all they can just heal everyones potion and gapple effects
Support, Soup is so annoying and useless u can always just use kit food
- One last thing this is your choice what you do with the server but please I advise you to listen to the factions community or the OGs of...
Yesssss capping mcmmo is so stupid
- Add a top kills leaderboard - Add most vanilla mob spawners to the shop - No cap on mcmmo - Different types of ranks? E.g, some ranks you can...
IllBodyYou - 9
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: vFlexi The offender's exact ingame name: Melee_Fox A...
<3333 ty fear <33
Thanks for about half support xD <3
Thank you <3
thanks <3
Thanks for the support <3
thanks <33
Hi, my ign is Roarinq some of you may know me as ToruPvP if you're an OG anyway, never mind that. ;) 1. New Map.because the one currently has...
Your in-game name: Roarinq What timezone are you in? NZST What country do you live in? New Zealand What languages do you speak? Only English Do...