Remove this bs. The game just got 10x worse than it was before.
hahahahaaha from the d u mean
If were trying to basically revamp kit mine as well bump this mf.
/heal itself should be removed, but that's not what this thread is about. Titans should not be able to heal others anymore because player count is...
Skpye is definitely one of the most unbiased people on mineverse... You are correct in the aspect that a mod should be unbiased but you are wrong...
@TrooperSuper12 be my valentine
make a rank called mode for this man
support this could be fun
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:matrimonial The offender's exact ingame name: HeftyJ A...
false as tuber doesnt like mr. floyde Next person has been muted for death threats
no support you're cringe
Not tryna pull a toad xD
1. you're not wrong I'm just saying I have played since 2013 on and off no need to get triggered. 2. Those are some good suggestions on how to...
revamp this server bruh
bump as this still isnt fixed...
I disagree with this. Having to load more than one map makes the server lag like crazy. I have played on the server just as long as you and can't...